Clearwater Marine Aquarium is full of all sorts of exciting ocean animals! From glofish to triggerfish, there are a number of different sea creatures that are worth learning about.
Where to See
- 4th Level
GloFish White Skirt Tetra
GloFish White Skirt Tetra
- 1-2 In
- Tetras are native to the tropical waters of Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil. However, you won’t find white tetras (or any of their colorful counterparts) in the wild. The white skirt tetra is just an albino variation of the black skirt tetra. The Black Skirt tetra is native to Bolivia, Brazil and north-ern Argentina and inhabits subtropical river basins where the water temperature stays between 20 and 26° C (68 and 79° F). The Black Skirt tetra was earlier regarded as native to Paraguay too, but this turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. The Black Skirt tetra has today been introduced to nearby Colombia as well as too far away Thailand. The Black Skirt tetra is a pelagic species that will spend its time in the middle and upper water layers.
- Omnivore, brine, shrimp, flakes, and worms
Did You Know…
GloFish White Skirt Tetras are known for their peaceful temperament.