From volunteering for beach cleanups near you to looking at ways to be more environmentally conscious right at home, there are a number of ways you can help save marine life like dolphins!
#1 Volunteer for a Beach Cleanup
Trash on beaches and in waterways is a big issue. Luckily, there are tons of people that get together all the time to pick up trash and keep our beaches beautiful! Ask your parents if you can spend a day at the beach picking up trash to help keep our oceans healthy.

#2 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
You probably hear this one in school all the time! Plastic waste makes up 50-80% of marine debris, so take little steps like making sure your family takes their reusable bags to the grocery store or remembering to bring a refillable water bottle with you!

#3 Respect Marine Life
If you visit the beach or anywhere that you may come into contact with marine life or a nesting site, it’s important to treat them with respect! Look all you want, but it’s important to never touch, harass, or feed them. Let the wildlife stay wild!