Name: Caroline Kole
Singer. Songwriter. Floridian. Dolphin fan. Caroline Kole grew up near Clearwater Marine Aquarium and has seen it blossom into the facility it is today — and it’s had a major impact on her life.
Why are you such a big fan of Clearwater Marine Aquarium?
The Clearwater Marine Aquarium held a special place not just in my heart, but my whole family’s. They’re so rad. You just go out on the ocean and look for dolphins — it makes your day. Now that they have a movie, and they’re making so many people smile … it’s so heartwarming to see your hometown be globally and universally impactful.
Can you talk about growing up near the aquarium?
We physically watched the aquarium grow. My sister and my whole family and I, we lived in Florida when (CMA) found Winter. We truly got to see it unfold in real time. We really saw her story firsthand, and then saw it come to life on a movie screen — it’s so great to see something grow like that. That’s why I wrote a song about it!
What was it like being part of the documentary, Winter: The Dolphin That Can?
It’s really powerful. Like, WHOA. It’s not only Winter, it’s this really uplifting story. Her prosthetic tail was actually a massive thing (for humans who use similar technology). It’s just crazy. Basically, that’s what the documentary is. It’s all these amazing stories that are like, wow — you hear them telling the stories and you can’t even fathom that they’re real. But this technology helps them. For me to get to be a part of that in some way … it’s breath-taking, really. It’s cool.
What advice do you have for readers?
Go and watch the documentary. Get a copy of it from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. It’s an amazing thing that you just need to watch. Also, I am a singer-songwriter, so I’ll plug my website, carolinekole.com!
Winter’s story has inspired millions of people all over the world! Read more inspirational stories.