Calling artists of all ages and skill levels!! Send us your right whale artwork to be displayed at the 2021 Right Whale Festival!
Submission Guidelines:
- Children and adults of all ages and abilities are invited to participate.
- Can be a drawing or painting in any medium (crayons, colored pencil, watercolor, etc.) Digital art may be printed.
- Artwork must focus on North Atlantic right whales.
- Please mail and deliver by Oct. 8, 2021, to be included in the Right Whale Festival.
- Artwork size should be between 8″x10″ and 16″x20″ in horizontal orientation.
- Art should preferably be on card stock or heavyweight paper. (No frames required.)
- Include printed and completed submission form.
Please mail submissions to:
Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Attn: Right Whale Art
249 Windward Passage
Clearwater, FL 33767
What happens to my art?
- Artwork will be displayed at the 2021 Right Whale Festival.
- Select artwork may also be shared online through CMA or Right Whale Festival channels.
About North Atlantic Right Whales
With only an estimated 400 North Atlantic right whales remaining, research and conservation programs are key to saving this critically endangered species. CMA Research Institute scientists have collected more than 20 years of aerial survey data on this species during its critical calving time in the southeast. This data has led to ship speed reduction and expanded habitat protection, halting whale mortality in the southeast. During our daily flights each winter, our scientists warn mariners from North Carolina down to Florida about whale locations to avoid vessel strikes and alert rescuers about whales entangled in fishing gear, two leading causes of mortality for this species.